A few highlights from my final week as I begin to "wing my way home."
This is taken at the Altyre Chapel where we joined Br. Anthony for a celebration of St. Francis' Feast Day. Br. Anthony is a Deacon at St. John's who has shifted his role in the parish to be more of a contemplative than an "active" Deacon. I got to know him three years ago - he's a magnificent gardener and sews along with a sewing group at the church. Altyre Chapel is on the estate where he resides after retiring as their chief gardener. It is a wish that the Chapel can become a part of St. John's as a chapel to St. Francis. We also attended Morning Prayer there on Wednesday morning.
I really enjoyed the Drum and Pipe - a real taste of Scotland.
Here are Grace and Hamilton's three children - Erina (you've seen her in the drum and pipe band), Felina (who had daycare in my home in India for the first year of her life, being cared for during working hours by my housekeeper and cook Saroja) and Darshan (who was first to become a citizen of the UK as he was born in Scotland).
Forres Youth Choir is directed by Fr. Hamilton and his two daughters, Felina and Erina, are part of the choir. They performed "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" at a Community Youth Program.
Attended an Ordination Service at a Church of Scotland congregation - this is a very atypical "Presbyterian" church as the first minister was from an Anglican background and you can see his influence.
Had lunch in this converted Dining car - two cars joined together to make a very cleaver restaurant.
My homily at St. John's Scottish Episcopal Church in Forres, Scotland (sorry for the odd angle - CC version available on the Home Page.
Fr. Hamilton and I in front of St. John's after the service